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陳樂知 專任副教授

電話::02-33663410 Room406
研究專長:心智哲學 形上學 宗教哲學 自然主義
  • 期刊論文
  • 會議論文
  • 專書
  • 開設課程
  • 研究計畫
  • 學經歷
  • 學術榮譽
  • 其他
年度 論文名稱
112 Chan, L.C. (2023), ‘Introduction: Philosophers’ Rational Inquiries into the Hidden Divinity’, in Chinese Translation of J. L. Schellenberg’s Divine Hiddenness and Human Reason, Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, pp. xv-xlii.
111 Chan, L.C.* & Latham, A.J. (2022), ‘The Possibility of Emergent Conscious Causal Powers’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 100, no. 1, pp. 195-201. (A&HCI)
110 Chan, L.C.* (2021), ‘Russellian Physicalism and its Dilemma’, Philosophical Studies, vol.178, pp. 2043–2062. (A&HCI)
110 Chan, L.C.* (2021), ‘Humility Regarding Intrinsic Properties’, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
110 Chan, L.C.* (2021), ‘On Characterizing Metaphysical Naturalism’, Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind, vol. 1, pp. 232-260.
109 Chan, L.C.*, Braddon-Mitchell, D. & Latham, A.J. (2020), ‘Alien Worlds, Alien Laws, and the Humean Conceivability Argument’, Ratio, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 1-13. (A&HCI)
109 Chan, L.C.* (2020), ‘Can the Russellian Monist Escape the Epiphenomenalist’s Paradox?’, in Grasso, M. & Marmodoro, A. (eds.), Topoi, special issue on mental powers, vol. 39, pp. 1093–1102. (A&HCI)
108 Chan, L.C.* & Latham, A.J. (2019), ‘Four Meta-methods for the Study of Qualia’, Erkenntnis, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 145-167. (A&HCI)
107 Chan, L.C.* (2018), ‘Emergentism and the contingent solubility of salt’, Theoria, vol. 84, pp. 309-324. (A&HCI)
106 Latham, A.J.*, Ellis, C., Chan, L.C. & Braddon-Mitchell, D. (2017), ‘The Validation of Consciousness Meters: The Idiosyncratic and Intransitive Sequence of Conscious Levels’, Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 24, no. 3-4, pp. 103-111. (SSCI; A&HCI)
本學期開設課程 曾開設課程
國家 學校名稱 學位 系所 期間
Australia the University of Sydney PhD 2017
Australia Monash University BA Honours (1st Class) 2011

個人網頁 Web https://www.lokchichan.com/


學歷 Education

澳洲雪梨大學哲學博士PhD, the University of Sydney 2017

澳洲蒙納許大學哲學系一級榮譽學士 BA Honours (1st Class), Monash University2011

澳洲蒙納許大學哲學學士BA, Monash University2010


經歷 Experiences

臺大傳統與科學形上學研究中心執行長 CEO, the NTU Center for Traditional and Scientific Metaphysics (TSM) 2022-迄今)

臺灣邏輯、方法論、科學與科技哲學學會秘書長 Secretary-General, the Taiwan Association for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (LMPST Taiwan) 2021-迄今)

臺灣大學哲學系副教授Associate Professor, National Taiwan University2022-迄今)

臺灣大學哲學系助理教授Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University2018-2022

澳洲墨爾本大學哲學系教學助理Teaching Assistant, Melbourne University2017-2018

澳洲蒙納許大學哲學系教學助理 Teaching Assistant, Monash University2017

澳洲雪梨大學哲學系教學助理 Teaching Assistant, University of Sydney2012-2013


榮譽Honors & Awards

香港中文大學哲學系專任客座副教授(特邀) Full-time Visiting Associate Professor (invited), Department of Philosophy, Chinese University of Hong Kong 1/2024-5/2024

國科會2030跨世代年輕學者方案:新秀學者獎助 2030 Cross-Generation Young Scholars Program: Emerging Young Scholars Fellowship Award, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan2022-2026

全球宗教哲學翻譯獎助,英國伯明翰大學宗教哲學中心與美國約翰坦伯頓基金Global Philosophy of Religion Translation Grant, the Birmingham Centre for Philosophy of Religion, UK & the John Templeton Foundation, US2021

澳洲雪梨大學國際獎學金University of Sydney International Scholarship, University of Sydney 2012-2016

澳洲蒙納許大學文學院榮譽學士優秀獎學金Faculty of Arts Honours Merit Scholarship, Monash University, 2011.


研究領域 Research Interests

心智哲學  Philosophy of mind

形上學  Metaphysics

宗教哲學  Philosophy of religion

自然主義哲學 Philosophy of Naturalism


論文期刊 Journal Articles

英文出版 English Articles

Chan, L.C.* & Latham, A.J. (2022), ‘The Possibility of Emergent Conscious Causal Powers’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 100, no. 1, pp. 195-201. (A&HCI)

Chan, L.C.* (2021), ‘Russellian Physicalism and its Dilemma’, Philosophical Studies, vol.178, pp. 2043–2062. (A&HCI)

Chan, L.C.* (2021), ‘Humility Regarding Intrinsic Properties’, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, https://iep.utm.edu/humili-p/

Chan, L.C.* (2021), ‘On Characterizing Metaphysical Naturalism’, Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind, vol. 1, pp. 232-260.

Chan, L.C.*, Braddon-Mitchell, D. & Latham, A.J. (2020), ‘Alien Worlds, Alien Laws, and the Humean Conceivability Argument’, Ratio, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 1-13. (A&HCI)

Chan, L.C.* (2020), ‘Can the Russellian Monist Escape the Epiphenomenalist’s Paradox?’, in Grasso, M. & Marmodoro, A. (eds.), Topoi, special issue on mental powers, vol. 39, pp. 1093–1102. (A&HCI)

Chan, L.C.* & Latham, A.J. (2019), ‘Four Meta-methods for the Study of Qualia’, Erkenntnis, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 145-167. (A&HCI)

Chan, L.C.* (2018), ‘Emergentism and the contingent solubility of salt’, Theoria, vol. 84, pp. 309-324. (A&HCI)

Latham, A.J.*, Ellis, C., Chan, L.C. & Braddon-Mitchell, D. (2017), ‘The Validation of Consciousness Meters: The Idiosyncratic and Intransitive Sequence of Conscious Levels’, Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 24, no. 3-4, pp. 103-111. (SSCI; A&HCI)


中文出版 Chinese Articles

陳樂知(2023),〈導讀:理性哲學家對隱匿的上帝之探問〉,收錄於JL.雪倫堡,《神的隱匿與人的理性》(陳樂知翻譯/導讀),臺北:臺大出版中心。第xv-xlii頁。( Chan, L.C. (2023), ‘Introduction: Philosophers’ Rational Inquiries into the Hidden Divinity’, in Chinese Translation of J. L. Schellenberg’s Divine Hiddenness and Human Reason, Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, pp. xv-xlii. )


專書 Books

JL.雪倫堡(2023),《神的隱匿與人的理性》(陳樂知翻譯/導讀),臺北:臺大出版中心(英國伯明翰大學宗教哲學中心與美國約翰坦伯頓基金「全球宗教哲學翻譯獎助」贊助)。( Chan, L.C. (2023), Chinese Translation of J. L. Schellenberg’s Divine Hiddenness and Human Reason, Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, sponsored by ‘The Global Philosophy of Religion Project Translation Grant’, the Birmingham Centre for Philosophy of Religion and the John Templeton Foundation. )


會議論文 Conference Paper

Chan, L.C., and Latham, A.J. ‘Four Meta-Methods for the Study of Qualia, and a realism about mental representation’, The First Young Scholar Workshop in Science and Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University, September 2018. Pp. 2-13.

Chan, L.C. & Latham, A.J. ‘Four Meta-methods for the Study of Qualia’, Australasian Philosophy Postgraduate Conference, September 2016.

Chan, L.C., Latham, A.J. & Braddon-Mitchell, D. ‘The Argument from Modal Intuition against Dispositionalism’, Australasian Association of Philosophy Annual Conference, July 2016.

Chan, L.C. & Latham, A.J. ‘Four Meta-approaches to the Study of Qualia’, Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science Conference, November 2015.

Chan, L.C. ‘A New Approach to the Disciplinary Characterization of Physicalism’, Australasian Association of Philosophy Annual Conference, July 2015.

Chan, L.C. ‘Langton’s Argument from Modal Intuition for Epistemic Humility’, Australasian Philosophy Postgraduate Conference, September 2013.

Chan, L.C. ‘Causal Role Changing and the Unknowability of Fundamental Properties’, Australasian Association of Philosophy Annual Conference, July 2013.


研究經費 Grants

Chan, L.C. (2023), ‘Travel Bursary Competition for Junior and Mid-Career Scholars’, Third Global Philosophy of Religion Conference: The Problem of Evil and Suffering, 21-23 April 2023, Waseda University (co-organized with the Birmingham Centre for Philosophy of Religion), Tokyo, Japan.

Chan, L.C. (2022-2026), ‘The Hidden Metaphysical Nature of Matter’, Cross-Generation Young Scholars Program: Emerging Young Scholars, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, MOST111-2628-H-002-017

Chan, L.C. (2021-2022), ‘Global Philosophy of Religion Translation Grant: Translation of J.L. Schellenberg’s Divine Hiddenness and Human Reason’, the Birmingham Centre for Philosophy of Religion, UK & the John Templeton Foundation, US, £10,000 (approx. NTD390,000).

Chan, L.C. (2020), ‘Subsidies for International Professionals’ Short-term Visits: Prof. John Christopher Bigelow 2020/04/15~2020/05/02′, the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, MOST109-2912-I-002-521, NTD299,712. (Approved; cancelled due to COVID-19)

Chan, L.C. (2019-2022), ‘New Issues in the Metaphysics of Qualia: Methodologies, Theories, and Applications’, the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, MOST108-2410-H-002-241-MY3