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鄭義愷 專任副教授

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研究專長:希臘哲學(先蘇至亞里斯多德) 倫理學與政治哲學(西洋政治思想史) 存在主義
學經歷:美國波士頓大學(Boston University)哲學博士 / 古典研究碩士
  • 期刊論文
  • 會議論文
  • 專書
  • 開設課程
  • 研究計畫
  • 學經歷
  • 學術榮譽
  • 其他
年度 論文名稱
111 2022 April “The Rule of Law in Plato’s Statesman Revisited,” American Philosophical Association, 96th Annual Pacific Division Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia (attended online)
111 2022 May “On the Proem of Plato’s Timaeus,” Timaeus Workshop, University of Kentucky (online)
111 2022 July “Theaetetus’ mistake in Soph 231c8-e7 and the pedagogical character of the dialogue,” International Plato Society, Symposium Platonicum XIII, Plato’s Sophist, Athens, GA (attended online)
111 2022 Oct “Tradition and Innovation in Political Life: A Reading of Aristotle’s Politics II.8,” Interfaceing 2022, Telling Innovations and Tradition East and West, Trier University, Hybrid Conference (attended online)
110 *2021May“HumansandOtherAnimalsinPlato’s Statesman,” NON-HUMANANIMALSINANCIENTGREEKPHILOSOPHYANDRELIGION,Onlineconference,UniversityofSouthFlorida(online)
110 *2021Nov“Phaedrus ontheRhetoricalNatureofSoul,”Plato’s Phaedrus XIIIthSymposiumPlatonicumPragense,Prague(online)
108 *2019Mar“Politics,Self-Knowledge,andMetaphysicsinAl-Farabi’s PoliticalRegime,”AnnualMeetingoftheMetaphysicalSocietyofAmerica,UniversityofSeattle,Seattle
104 *2015Mar.“PolemarcheanJustice,”InternationalPlatoSocietyMidtermMeeting:PlatonicMoralRealism
105 *2016Apr.“Plato’s Sophist ontheGoodnessofTruth,”AncientPhilosophySocietyAnnualMeeting,receivedtheNewAgoraDiversityPrize
105 2016Aug.“σοφιστήςandφιλόσοφος:APhilosophicalQuestionRaisedbySocrates’Trial,”NationalTsingHuaUniversity,Taiwan,August2016(deliveredinMandarin,originaltitle「σοφιστής與φιλόσοφος:蘇格拉底審判所引發的一則哲學問題」)
106 2017Feb.“CanYouSpotaFake?DistinguishingTrueandFalse,GoodandBadinPlato,”AmericanUniversityinCairo
106 2017May“IsMoralityNaturalorSociallyConstructed?”PublicPhilosophySeries,Cairo
106 *2017July“JusticeandMoneyin Republic I,”InternationalAncientGreekPhilosophyAnnualConference,Rhodes,Greece
106 *2017Nov“Socrates,theDiligentSkeptikos”TaiwanPhilosophicalAssociation,AnnualMeeting,NCCU,Taiwan(deliveredinMandarin,originaltitle「蘇格拉底,好學的skeptikos」)
107 *2018Apr“OntheUnityofCourageandModestyintheTheaetetus,”InternationalPlatoSociety,2ndAsiaRegionalMeeting,“FormingtheSoul:PlatoandHisOpponents,”ChineseCultureUniversity
107 *2018Apr“OntheUnityofCourageandModestyintheTheaetetus,”AncientPhilosophySociety,18thAnnualMeeting,EmoryUniversity,Atlanta
107 2018May“TheRoleofListeninginAristotle’sPracticalPhilosophy,”NationalTaiwanUniversity(deliveredinMandarin)
108 *2018July(co-authoredwithRobinWeiss)“TheMeasuresofVirtueintheZhuangzi:AReappropriationoftheSkillAnalogy,”ComparingVirtues,Roles,andDutiesinEarlyChinaandGraeco-RomanAntiquity,RenminUniversityofChina,Beijing
108 2018Dec“CanClassificationofHumansBecomeRigorousScience?APlatonicView,”2ndEast-WestPhilosophyCrossvergenceConference,NationalTaiwanUniversity,Taipei
108 2019Mar“CanClassificationofHumansBecomeRigorousScience?APlatonicView,”2ndJointWorkshopofNTU-Kyotoon“SelfandSubjectivity:FromMulti-CulturalandInterdisciplinaryPerspectives,”NationalTaiwanUniversity,Taipei
108 *2019Nov“WhatDoesOneStudywhenOneStudiestheIdeaoftheGood?”TaiwanPhilosophyAssociationAnnualMeeting,TsinghuaUniversity,Shinzhu(inMandarin)
108 2019Dec“DefendingPhilosophy:TheMythofEr,”JointSymposiumofNTU-UHawaiion“PracticalPhilosophy,”NationalTaiwanUniversity,Taipei
109 *2020Nov“SpeechesasImagesofBeing,”InternationalPlatoSocietyRegionalMeetingatSeoul,Korea(online)
108 2019Apr“FalseJudgmentinthe Theaetetus,”AncientPhilosophyWorkshop,NationalTsingHuaUniversity,Hsinzhu
108 2019May“PoetryandPhilosophy:WaysofDiscourseandWaysofLife,”1stJointSymposiumofNTU-Scrantonon“LanguageandReality,”NationalTaiwanUniversity,Taipei
108 *2019July“NonbeingandtheFinalFourDeductionsinPlato’s Parmenides,”SymposiumPlatonicumXII,Plato’s Parmenides,Paris
108 2019Nov“TheEncounterofReligionandPhilosophy:TheCaseofIbnRushd,”InvitedTalkatNationalChengchiUniversity,Taipei(inMandarin)
本學期開設課程 曾開設課程
年度 論文名稱
111 2022 Oct “Tradition and Innovation in Political Life: A Reading of Aristotle’s Politics II.8,” Interfaceing 2022, Telling Innovations and Tradition East and West, Trier University, Hybrid Conference (attended online)
111 2022 July “Theaetetus’ mistake in Soph 231c8-e7 and the pedagogical character of the dialogue,” International Plato Society, Symposium Platonicum XIII, Plato’s Sophist, Athens, GA (attended online)
111 2022 May “On the Proem of Plato’s Timaeus,” Timaeus Workshop, University of Kentucky (online)
111 2022 April “The Rule of Law in Plato’s Statesman Revisited,” American Philosophical Association, 96th Annual Pacific Division Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia (attended online)
110 2021 Nov “Phaedrus on the Rhetorical Nature of Soul,” Plato’s Phaedrus XIIIth Symposium Platonicum Pragense, Prague (online)
110 2021 May “Humans and Other Animals in Plato’s Statesman,” NON-HUMAN ANIMALS IN ANCIENT GREEK PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION, Online conference, University of South Florida (online)
109 2020 Nov “Speeches as Images of Being,” International Plato Society Regional Meeting at Seoul, Korea (online)
108 2019 Dec “Defending Philosophy: The Myth of Er,” Joint Symposium of NTU-UHawaii on “Practical Philosophy,” National Taiw
108 2019 Nov “What Does One Study when One Studies the Idea of the Good?” Taiwan Philosophy Association Annual Meeting, Tsinghua University, Shinzhu (in Mandarin)
108 2019 Nov “The Encounter of Religion and Philosophy: The Case of Ibn Rushd,” Invited Talk at National Chengchi University
108 * 2019 July “Nonbeing and the Final Four Deductions in Plato’s Parmenides,” Symposium Platonicum XII, Plato’s Parmenides
108 2019 May “Poetry and Philosophy: Ways of Discourse and Ways of Life,” 1st Joint Symposium of NTU-Scranton on “Language and Reality,” National Taiwan University, Taipei
108 2019 Apr “False Judgment in the Theaetetus,” Ancient Philosophy Workshop, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinzhu
108 2019 Mar “Politics, Self-Knowledge, and Metaphysics in Al-Farabi’s Political Regime,” Annual Meeting of the Metaphysical Society of America, University of Seattle, Seattle
108 2019 Mar “Can Classification of Humans Become Rigorous Science? A Platonic View,” 2nd Joint Workshop of NTU-Kyoto on “Self and Subjectivity: From Multi-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Perspectives,” National Taiwan University, Taipei
107 2018 Dec “Can Classification of Humans Become Rigorous Science? A Platonic View,” 2nd East-West Philosophy Crossvergence Conference, National Taiwan University, Taipei
107 2018 July (co-authored with Robin Weiss) “The Measures of Virtue in the Zhuangzi: A Reappropriation of the Skill Analogy,” Comparing Virtues, Roles, and Duties in Early China and Graeco-Roman Antiquity, Renmin University of China, Beijing
107 2018 May “The Role of Listening in Aristotle’s Practical Philosophy,” National Taiwan University (delivered in Mandarin)
107 2018 Apr “On the Unity of Courage and Modesty in the Theaetetus,” Ancient Philosophy Society, 18th Annual Meeting, Emory University, Atlanta
107 2018 Apr “On the Unity of Courage and Modesty in the Theaetetus,” International Plato Society, 2nd Asia Regional Meeting, “Forming the Soul: Plato and His Opponents,” Chinese Culture University
106 2017 Nov “Socrates, the Diligent Skeptikos” Taiwan Philosophical Association, Annual Meeting, NCCU, Taiwan(delivered in Mandarin, original title「蘇格拉底,好學的 skeptikos」)
106 * 2017 July “Justice and Money in Republic I,” International Ancient Greek Philosophy Annual Conference, Rhodes, Greece
106 2017 May “Is Morality Natural or Socially Constructed?” Public Philosophy Series, Cairo
106 2017 Feb. “Can You Spot a Fake? Distinguishing True and False, Good and Bad in Plato,” American University in Cairo
105 2016 Aug. “σοφιστής and φιλόσοφος: A Philosophical Question Raised by Socrates’ Trial,” National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, August 2016 (delivered in Mandarin, original title 「σοφιστής 與 φιλόσοφος:蘇格拉底審判所引發的一則哲學問題」)
105 2016 Apr. “Plato’s Sophist on the Goodness of Truth,” Ancient Philosophy Society Annual Meeting, received the New Agora Diversity Prize
104 * 2015 Mar. “Polemarchean Justice,” International Plato Society Midterm Meeting: Platonic Moral Realism
年度 書名
國家 學校名稱 學位 系所 期間
USA Boston University ph.D. in Philosophy
類別 年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位

學經歷 Education and Experience

最高學歷 Education

美國Boston University 哲學博士


經歷 Experience

副教授,台灣大學,民111- Associate Professor, National Taiwan University, 2022-Present

助理教授,台灣大學,民106-111 Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University, 2017-2022

講師,開羅美國大學,民105-106 Instructor, American University in Cairo, Egypt 2016-2017

教學人員,開羅博雅與科學中心,民105 Fellow, Cairo Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 2016 Winter


研究領域 Research Interests



AOS: Greek Philosophy. I mainly work on Plato but am also interested in the Presocratics and Aristotle as well.

AOC: Ethics and Political Philosophy in the Western Tradition, Existentialism


Graduate Seminars:

  • Plato on Eros
  • Ancient Greek Rhetoric
  • Plato on Knowledge
  • Chinese and Greco-Roman Practical Philosophy (Co-taught with Chi-keung Chan)
  • Plato and the Sophists
  • Plato Statesman
  • Aristotle Politics

Undergraduate Courses:

  • History of Western Philosophy 1
  • Intro to Philosophy (taught in both Chinese and English)
  • Thinking Democracy
  • Kierkegaard on Reason and Faith
  • Introduction to Utopian Thinking
  • Philosophy of Tragedy and Comedy
  • Aristotle
  • Thinking Philosophically about Love
  • Existentialism


出版作品 Publications


  1. (under review) <柏拉圖論詩與哲學之爭>,《華文哲學百科》,王一奇(編)(Plato on the Quarrel Between Philosophy and Poetry, [in Chinese])
  2. 2022 “Observations on Listening in Aristotle’s Practical Philosophy,” in Hearing, Sound and the Auditory in Ancient Greece, ed. Jill Gordon, Indiana University Press, Ch. 10.
  3. 2022 “Elenchos in Plato’s Sophist,” History of Philosophy and Logical Analysis 25(2)
  4. 2022 “Nonbeing and the Final Four Deductions in Plato’s Parmenides,” in Plato’s Parmenides: Selected Papers of the Xiith Symposium Platonicum, eds. Luc Brisson, Olivier Renaut, and Arnaud Macé, Nomos Verlag.
  5. 2021 “Images as Speeches of Being,” Journal of Greco-Roman Studies 60(3), 43-58

6.      2020 “Ways of Discourse and Ways of Life: Plato on the Conflict Between Poetry and Philosophy”, Metaphilosophy, Vol. 51, Issue 2-3 (2020 April), pp. 318-334

7.      2019 “On the Final Definition  of the Sophist: Sophist 265a10-268d5,” Review of Metaphysics 72:4, pp. 661-684

  1. 2017 “Montesquieu’s Political Analysis of the Woman Problem in the Persian Letters,” Interface 2, pp. 9-38
  2. 2017 “Plato’s Sophist on the Goodness of Truth,” Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 21:2, pp. 335-349



  1. 2021. “Review of Christopher Moore’s Calling Philosopher Names,” Etudes Platoniciennes 16
  2. 2019 <評徐學庸著《古希臘正義觀:荷馬至亞里斯多德的倫理價值及政治理想》>,《東吳哲學學報》第四十期,頁 99-109 (Book Review of Yukan Tomi’s The Ancient Greek Concept of Justice: book and review both in Chinese)
  3. 2019 <知識與智慧:評何畫瑰《泰鄂提得斯》篇譯注>,《東吳哲學學報》第三十九期,頁 71-87 (Book Review of Huaguei He’s Translation and Commentary on the Theaetetus: both the book and the review are in Chinese)
  4.  2016 “Contextualizing Plato,” Book Review of Capra, A., Plato’s Four Muses, Classical Review 66.2


會議論文 Presentations

(有審查的演講以星號註記)(refereed talks are asterisked)

  1. * 2022 Oct “Tradition and Innovation in Political Life: A Reading of Aristotle’s Politics II.8,”  Interfaceing 2022, Telling Innovations and Tradition East and West, Trier University, Hybrid Conference (attended online)
  2. * 2022 July “Theaetetus’ mistake in Soph 231c8-e7 and the pedagogical character of the dialogue,” International Plato Society, Symposium Platonicum XIII, Plato’s Sophist, Athens, GA (attended online)
  3. 2022 May “On the Proem of Plato’s Timaeus,” Timaeus Workshop, University of Kentucky (online)
  4. * 2022 April “The Rule of Law in Plato’s Statesman Revisited,” American Philosophical Association, 96th Annual Pacific Division Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia (attended online)
  5. * 2021 Nov “Phaedrus on the Rhetorical Nature of Soul,” Plato’s Phaedrus XIIIth Symposium Platonicum Pragense, Prague (online)
  6. * 2021 May “Humans and Other Animals in Plato’s Statesman,” NON-HUMAN ANIMALS IN ANCIENT GREEK PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION, Online conference, University of South Florida (online)
  7. * 2020 Nov “Speeches as Images of Being,” International Plato Society Regional Meeting at Seoul, Korea (online)
  8. 2019 Dec “Defending Philosophy: The Myth of Er,” Joint Symposium of NTU-UHawaii on “Practical Philosophy,” National Taiwan University, Taipei
  9. * 2019 Nov “What Does One Study when One Studies the Idea of the Good?” Taiwan Philosophy Association Annual Meeting, Tsinghua University, Shinzhu (in Mandarin)
  10. 2019 Nov “The Encounter of Religion and Philosophy: The Case of Ibn Rushd,” Invited Talk at National Chengchi University, Taipei (in Mandarin)
  11. * 2019 July “Nonbeing and the Final Four Deductions in Plato’s Parmenides,” Symposium Platonicum XII, Plato’s Parmenides, Paris
  12. 2019 May “Poetry and Philosophy: Ways of Discourse and Ways of Life,” 1st Joint Symposium of NTU-Scranton on “Language and Reality,” National Taiwan University, Taipei
  13. 2019 Apr “False Judgment in the Theaetetus,” Ancient Philosophy Workshop, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinzhu
  14. * 2019 Mar “Politics, Self-Knowledge, and Metaphysics in Al-Farabi’s Political Regime,” Annual Meeting of the Metaphysical Society of America, University of Seattle, Seattle
  15. 2019 Mar “Can Classification of Humans Become Rigorous Science? A Platonic View,” 2nd Joint Workshop of NTU-Kyoto on “Self and Subjectivity: From Multi-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Perspectives,” National Taiwan University, Taipei
  16. 2018 Dec “Can Classification of Humans Become Rigorous Science? A Platonic View,” 2nd East-West Philosophy Crossvergence Conference, National Taiwan University, Taipei
  17. * 2018 July (co-authored with Robin Weiss) “The Measures of Virtue in the Zhuangzi: A Reappropriation of the Skill Analogy,” Comparing Virtues, Roles, and Duties in Early China and Graeco-Roman Antiquity, Renmin University of China, Beijing
  18. 2018 May “The Role of Listening in Aristotle’s Practical Philosophy,” National Taiwan University (delivered in Mandarin)
  19. * 2018 Apr “On the Unity of Courage and Modesty in the Theaetetus,” Ancient Philosophy Society, 18th Annual Meeting, Emory University, Atlanta
  20. * 2018 Apr “On the Unity of Courage and Modesty in the Theaetetus,” International Plato Society, 2nd Asia Regional Meeting, “Forming the Soul: Plato and His Opponents,” Chinese Culture University
  21. * 2017 Nov “Socrates, the Diligent Skeptikos” Taiwan Philosophical Association, Annual Meeting, NCCU, Taiwandelivered in Mandarin, original title「蘇格拉底,好學的 skeptikos」)
  22. * 2017 July “Justice and Money in Republic I,” International Ancient Greek Philosophy Annual Conference, Rhodes, Greece
  23. 2017 May “Is Morality Natural or Socially Constructed?” Public Philosophy Series, Cairo
  24. 2017 Feb. “Can You Spot a Fake? Distinguishing True and False, Good and Bad in Plato,” American University in Cairo
  25. 2016 Aug. “σοφιστής and φιλόσοφος: A Philosophical Question Raised by Socrates’ Trial,” National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, August 2016 (delivered in Mandarin, original title σοφιστής φιλόσοφος:蘇格拉底審判所引發的一則哲學問題」)
  26. * 2016 Apr. “Plato’s Sophist on the Goodness of Truth,” Ancient Philosophy Society Annual Meeting, received the New Agora Diversity Prize
  27. * 2015 Mar. “Polemarchean Justice,” International Plato Society Midterm Meeting: Platonic Moral Realism


研究計畫 Research Projects

2022.8-2025.7 知識與智慧:柏拉圖《泰艾提得斯》、《智者》、《政治家》三部曲研究。國科會研究計畫,計畫編號 111-2410-H-002-144-MY3 Knowledge and Wisdom: Plato’s Trilogy. 3-Year Book Project Research Grant by NSTC (formerly MoST).

2020.8-2022.7 哲學知識與政治知識的疆界:柏拉圖《政治家》篇。科技部研究計畫,計畫編號 109-2410-H-002 -211-MY2 Distinguishing Philosophical from Political Knowledge: Plato’s Statesman. 2-Year Research Grant by MoST.

2018.8-2020.7 哲人在修辭學中的自我認識:柏拉圖的觀點。科技部研究計畫,計畫編號 107-2410-H-002-251-MY2 The Philosopher’s Self-Knowledge in Rhetoric: the Platonic View. 2-Year Research Grant by Ministry of Science and Technology.


其它獎項 Other Awards and Fellowships

  • Dissertation Essay Competition Prize, submitted paper title “On the Final Definition of the Sophist: Sophist 265a10-268b5,” Philosophy Education Society, 2017
  • New Agora Diversity Prize for “Plato’s Sophist on the Goodness of Truth,” Ancient Philosophy Society, 2016 April
  • Hellenic Studies Fellowship, Boston University, 2014-6
  • Travel Grant, National Taiwan University, 2019; Boston University, 2015
  • Teaching Fellowship, Boston University, 2012-3
  • 臺灣教育部公費生希臘哲學學門,98-101 年,Government Scholarship Grant, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2009-12

哲學推廣 Public Publications (Non-Peer-Reviewed)

  1. 2021- 部落格:古希臘二三事。讀書心得、希臘文讀書會會議紀要、翻譯與文法討論。
  2. 2021.08.03 <修昔底德與希臘智者文化>,原載於香港《立場新聞》網站。(網站已關,有興趣可來信索取文章)
  3. 2019.10.31 <閒談齊克果>,原載於香港《立場新聞》網站。(網站已關,有興趣可來信索取文章)
  4. 2019.06.18 <希臘哲學五書推介>,原載於香港《立場新聞》網站。(網站已關,有興趣可來信索取文章)
  5. 2019 <柏拉圖《理想國》導讀>,未刊稿(有興趣可來信索取稿件)