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陳志強 專任副教授

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年度 論文名稱
113 〈正向教育與反面意識——王陽明教育哲學探微〉,《國立臺灣大學哲學論評》,第66期,頁79-116。 [ “Positive Education and Negative Consciousness: An Exploration to Wang Yangming’s Philosophy of Education”, NTU Philosophical Review 66: 173-182.]
113 〈王陽明惡論探析:三教合一的視野〉,《鵝湖學誌》,第72期。 [ “The Exploration of Wang Yangming’s Theory of Evil: A Unified Perspective of the Three Teachings”, Legein Semi-Annual Journal 72.]
113 翻譯:Harvey Lederman著:〈中國哲學史方法論評議〉,《中國文哲研究通訊》,34卷1期。 [ “Remarks on Method for Chinese Philosophy”, Newsletter of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 34(1).]
112 書評:陳立勝著:《從「修身」到「工夫」——儒家「內聖學」的開顯與轉折》,《中國文哲研究集刊》,第61期,頁173-182。 [Book Review on A Study of Inner Sageliness in Confucianism: From Self-Cultivation to Striving for Sagehood. In Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 61: 173-182.]
111 〈「心臥則夢,偷則自行」——朱子論「惡」的道德心理學〉,《中國文哲研究集刊》,第60期,頁1-48。[“The Sleeping Heart/Mind and its Automatic Operation: Zhu Xi on the Moral Psychology of Evil.” In Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 60: 87-135.]
110 〈「意志軟弱」與王陽明的「知行合一」〉,《鵝湖學誌》,第67期,頁53-97。[“Weakness of Will and Wang Yangming’s Theory of the Unity of Knowledge and Action.” In Legein Semi-Annual Journal: Studies in Chinese Philosophy and Western Thought 67: 1-45.]
110 〈明清惡論探析:王陽明「習」的概念起源與發展〉,《中國哲學與文化》,第19輯,頁21-53。[ “A Study of the Theory of Evil in the Ming and Qing: The Origin and development of the Wang Yangming's Concept of xi (habitus).” In The Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture 19: 21-53.]
110 〈曲當人情:王陽明論他人之惡〉,《中國文哲研究集刊》,第56期,頁39-69。[“A Winding Way to Transform People’s Dispositions: Wang Yangming on the Way of rectifying others.” In Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 56: 39-69.]
109 〈朱子窮理之學重探:從陽明心學的立場回應與提問〉,《鵝湖月刊》,第540期,頁52-58。["Revisiting Zhu Xi's Theory of the Probing Principle (qionglizhixue): Some Responses and Questions from the Perspective of Wang Yangming's School of Heart/Mind." In Legein Monthly 540:52-58]
107 戴卡琳著,與傅揚、王曉薇合譯:〈心齋坐忘:中國哲學研究的方法論反思〉,《中國哲學與文化》,第16輯,頁1-19。[ Authored by Carine Defoort, Co-translated with Yang Fu, Xiao-wei Wang. “Fasting the Mind, Sitting in Oblivion: Methodological Reflection on the Study of Chinese Philosophy” In The Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture 16:1-19.]
106 〈知見空言:羅念菴論「學者」之過〉,《漢學研究》,第34卷第4期,頁99-130。[ “Acquiring Mere Knowledge and Empty Moralizing: Luo Nianan on the Faults of Confucian Practitioners.” In Chinese Studies 34.4:99-130.]
106 〈論孔孟的過惡思想〉,收於郭齊勇主編:《儒家文化研究》,第九輯,頁407-425。[“The Theory of Evil in Confucian and Mencian Thought” In Confucian Culture Studies, 9:407-425.]
105 〈一念陷溺:唐君毅與陽明學者「惡」的理論研究〉,《中國文哲研究集刊》,第47 期,頁97-136。[ “The Trapped Mind: A Study of Tang Junyi and Yangming Scholars’ Theory of Evil.” In Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 47: 91-136.]
105 〈一場心學與理學的當代對話:國際中國哲學學會第十九屆國際會議側記〉,《中國哲學與文化》,第13輯,頁143-149。[ “A Contemporary Dialogue Between School of Xin and School of Li: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP).” In The Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture 13:143-149.]
104 〈陽明與蕺山過惡思想的理論關聯:兼論「一滾說」的理論意涵〉,《國立政治大學哲學學報》,第33期,頁149-192。[ “The Interconnectedness between Wang Yangming and Liu Jishan's Theory of Evil: With a Discussion on the Theoretical Implication of ‘Unified theory’.” In National Chengchi University Philosophical Journal 33: 149-192.]
103 〈對郭象哲學所受質疑提出辯解〉,《清華學報》,新44卷第3期,頁351-384。[ “Defending Against the Refutation of Guo Xiang's Philosophy.” In Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 44.3: 351-384.]
102 〈楊簡的覺悟經驗與神秘主義〉,《東吳哲學學報》,第二十七期,頁73-104。[“Comparing Yang Jian’s Enlightening Experience and Mysticism.” In Soochow Journal of Philosophical Studies 27: 73-104.]
本學期開設課程 曾開設課程
當代新儒家 中國哲學與當代世界
年度 論文名稱
113 “Pain and Moral Knowledge”, Workshop on the Philosophy of Wang Yangming, Taipei: National Taiwan. September 13 2024.
113 “Enacting Moral Knowledge”, 12th East-West Philosophers’ Conference: Trauma and Healing, Oahu: University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. May 24-31 2024.
113 “Rethinking Genuine Knowledge: Introspective model or Enactive Model?”, International Conference on Contemporary Interpretation of Chinese Philosophy, Taichung: Tunghai University. April 19 2024.
112 “Enactive ethics in Taizhou philosophy”, Conference on "Dialogue Between Chinese and Western Philosophy: Subject, Reason, and Practice", Taichung: Tunghai University. December 22 2023.
112 “The Supra-reflective dimension in Late Ming Confucianism”, Annual Conference of the Chinese Association of Philosophy, Taoyuan: National Central University. November 4-5 2023.
112 “Pure Emotion and Vulnerable Reasoning: A New Interpretation of Neo-Confucian Liu Jishan’s Moral Psychology”, International conference on: “Patterns of Evil in Greece and China”, Greece: University of Patras. July 6-8 2023.
112 “Pure Emotion and Vulnerable Reasoning: A New Interpretation of Neo-Confucian Liu Jishan’s Moral Psychology”, Conference on: “Changing Landscapes of the Mind: European and East-Asian Perspectives on the Soul, Self-Knowledge, and Consciousness (1450-1650)”, Taipei: National Chengchi University. Jun
112 “Pure Emotion and Vulnerable Reasoning: A New Interpretation of Neo-Confucian Liu Jishan’s Moral Psychology”, Workshop on Literature and Evil, Taipei: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica. April 25-26, 2023.
111 “Liu Jishan and Moral Sentimentalism 劉蕺山與道德情感主義”, The 22nd International Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP): Chinese Philosophy from the Perspective of World Philosophy (East China Normal University, Shanghai), June 2022.
110 “Revisiting Liu Zongzhou’s Theory of Evil: A Perspective from Moral Psychology 劉蕺山惡論重探——一個道德心理學的視角”, Dark and Light: International Conference of Song-Ming-Qing Confucianism (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), September 2021.
109 “The Sleeping Heart/Mind and its Automatic Operation: Zhu Xi on the Moral Psychology of Evil 「心臥則夢,偷則自行」:朱子論「惡」的道德心理學”, 11th Contemporary New Confucianism International Conference (National Central University and Tunghai University, Taiwan), December 2020.
109 “A Winding Way to Transform People’s Dispositions: Wang Yangming on the Way of rectifying others 曲當人情:王陽明論他人之惡”, Judgement, Motivation and Action: International Conference on Neo-Confucianism (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan), September 2020.
109 “A Preliminary Study on the Ming-Qing Theory of Evil 明清惡論初探”, Workshop on Wang Yangming’s Philosophy (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), January 2020.
108 “Habit as Second Nature: Qing Confucianists on the Theoretical Relationship between Evil and Knowledge習與性成:清代儒學論「知識」與「過惡」的理論關係”, ISCP 2019 – 21st International Conference on Chinese Philosophy (University of Bern, Switzerland), July 2019.
107 “A Comparative Study of Evil: From Confucianism to Daoism and Buddhism”, 2nd Conference on the Crossvergence between Philosophy East and West (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), December 2018.
107 “The Ming-Qing Transition of the Theory of Evil 明清之際「惡」的理論發展”, “Self-Planting of Spiritual Roots” and After: International Conference Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Death of Tang Junyi (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), December 2018.
107 “Tang Junyi on the Problem of Evil in Wang Chuanshan’s Philosophy 唐君毅論王船山哲學中「惡」的問題”,Conference on Tang Junyi’s Philosophy: Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Death of Tang Junyi (National Central University, Taiwan), April 2018.
106 “The Ming-Qing Transition of the Theory of Evil 明清之際「惡」的理論發展”, 1st Conference on the Crossvergence between Philosophy East and West (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), December 2017.
106 “Wang Yangming on Evildoers 曲當人情:王陽明論對待惡人之道”, 4th Conference on the Classification and Development of Song-Ming-Qing Confucianism (National Central University and Academia Sinica, Taiwan), October 2017.
106 “Wang Chuanshan on the Origin of Evil: With reference to the Interpretation by Tang Jun-yi 王船山論「惡」之起源:以唐君毅的詮釋為中心”, 10th Contemporary New Confucianism International Conference (Guizhou University, China), October 2017.
106 “A comparative Study on Moral Evil in the Three Teachings”, 20th International Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP) (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) July 2017.
106 “Yangming Scholars on the Origin of Evil 陽明學者論「惡」的來源”, Yangming’s School of Philosophy and Zhejiang Culture Academic Forum (Zhejiang Gongshang University, China), January 2017.
105 “Wang Yangming on Evildoers 王陽明論他人之惡”, 2016 Taiwan Philosophical Association Annual Conference: Tradition, Interpretation and Innovation (Tunghai University, Taiwan), November 2016.
104 “Knowledge without Practice and Empty Words: Luo Nian-an on Confucian Practitioners’ Faults during Self-Cultivation知見空言:羅念菴論修道者之過”, “The Historical Narrative and Contemporary Reconstruction of Confucianism” International Conference (Shenzhen University, China), November 2015.
104 “The Trapped Present Mind: A Study of Tang Junyi and Yangming Scholars’ Concept of Evil 一念陷溺:唐君毅與陽明學者的過惡觀念研究”, Contemporary New Confucianism and Western Philosophy: 10th Contemporary New Confucianism International Conference (National Central University, Taiwan), October 2015.
104 “Human Nature, Good and Evil Revisited: Tang Junyi and Neo-Confucians’Elaboration on Mencian Theory of Human Nature 人性善惡新辨:唐君毅與宋明儒者對「性善說」的理論發揮”,19th International Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP): Chinese Philosophy in the Contemporary World, July 2015.
103 “On Theories of Evil in Confucianism”, 2014 Northeast Conference on Chinese Thought (Central Connecticut State University, CT, USA), November 2014.
103 “On the Origin of Evil: From the Wang Yangming’s Concept of ‘Will’ to Liu Jishan’s Concept of ‘Illusion’「惡」的來源:從陽明之「意」到蕺山之「妄」”, 8th Interschool Postgraduate Student Conference (Chinese Culture University, Taiwan), May 2014.
102 “On the Interconnectedness of Wang Yangming’s and Liu Jishan’s Theory of Evil 陽明與蕺山過惡思想的理論關聯:兼論「一滾說」的理論意涵” , The Development and Foresight of Confucianism: 10th Contemporary New Confucianism International Conference (Shenzhen University, China), November 2013.
102 “The Fall of Will: Wang Yangming on the Origin of Evil 意的墮落:王陽明論惡的起源”, 2nd Contemporary Confucianism International Conference: The Globalization and Localization of Confucianism (National Central University, Taiwan), September 2013.
101 “Comparing Mencian concept of Reflection (Si) and Introspection”, Society of Asian and Comparative Philosophy (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, USA), October 2012.
101 “Why Should one Doing Business Ethically? On the Foundation of Connecting Confucianism and Business 「從事商業,哪有倫理?」:試論「儒」「商」結合的理論基礎”, 1st Contemporary Confucianism International Conference: Confucianism in an international perspective (National Central University, Taiwan), September 2012.
101 “On Liu Jishan’s teaching of cheng yi shen du 論劉蕺山誠意慎獨教的工夫意涵”, 2012 Postgraduate Student Conference on Ming-Qing Studies (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), July 2012.
100 “Comparing Yang Jian’s Enlightening Experience and Mysticism楊簡的覺悟經驗與神秘主義”, Contemporary New Confucianism and Western Philosophy: 9th Contemporary New Confucianism International Conference (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), December 2011.
99 “Comparing Weakness of Will and Wang Yangming’s Thought of the Unity of Knowledge and Action「意志軟弱」問題與王陽明「知行合一」觀念的回應”, Contemporary Reflection on Epistemological Issues in Traditional Chinese Philosophy: International Academic Conference and Graduate Student Symposium (National Taiwan University, Tai
99 “On the Contribution of Traditional Confucian Thought Towards Moral Education論傳統儒家思想對現今道德教育的啟示”, Tradition and Modernity: Philosophy Conference for Young Chinese Scholar (Beijing University, China), September 2010.
計畫類別 年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
NSTC Research Grant 國家科學及技術委員會專題研究計畫 113 Rethinking Moral Agency in the Analects 重探《論語》中的道德動能 1/9/2024 ~ 31/8/2025
Fulbright Senior Research Grant 資深學者傅爾布萊特研究獎助金 111 Seeking the Lost Mind: The Moral Psychology of Evil in Neo-Confucian Philosophy 31/5/2023 ~ 31/8/2023
Harvard-Yenching Institute Visiting Scholars Program 哈佛燕京學社獎助計畫 111 Seeking the Lost Mind: The Moral Psychology of Evil in Neo-Confucian Philosophy 1/8/2022 ~ 30/5/2023
MOST Young Scholar Fellowship: Einstein Program 科技部年輕學者養成計畫:愛因斯坦培植計畫 108 Habit as Second Nature: The Problem of Evil in Qing Confucianism 習與性成:清代儒學中「惡」的問題 1/11/2019 ~ 31/10/2024
Fulbright-RGC Hong Kong Research Scholar Award Program富布萊特-研資局香港研究學者獎 103 The Theory of Evil in Late Ming Wang Yangming’s School of Philosophy 21/08/2014 ~ 20/06/2015
國家 學校名稱 學位 系所 期間
NTU Foreign Languages Division, Language Center Division Head 2024
International Society for Chinese Philosophy International Society for Chinese Philosophy Regional Representative of Taiwan 2019-
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Linguistics and Philosophy Fulbright Visiting Associate Professor 2022-2023
Harvard University Harvard-Yenching Institute Visiting Scholar 2022-2023
National Taiwan University Department of Philosophy Assistant Professor 2017-2022
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Philosophy Lecturer (Part-time) 2015-17
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Division of Humanities Boston University 2016-17
University of Michigan Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies Visiting Scholar 2015



Ph.D. in philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2015)





Fulbright Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2022-2023)


Visiting Scholar, Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University (2022-2023)


Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University2017-present


Lecturer (Part-time), Department of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong2015-2017


Lecturer (Part-time), Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology2016-2017


Fulbright Visiting Scholar, School of Theology, Boston University2014-2015

密西根大學李侃如-羅睿馳中國研究中心訪問學者(2015 1-5/6

Visiting Scholar, Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan2015 1-5/6


研究領域 Research Interests
中國哲學(尤其宋明理學、清代儒學、當代新儒家)Chinese Philosophy (esp. Song Ming Neo-Confucianism, Qing Confucianism, Contemporary New Confucianism)比較哲學Comparative Philosophy道德心理學Moral Psychology


論文期刊 Journal Articles

Completed〈純情與鑿智——劉蕺山道德心理學探微〉。(E-mail me for a draft.

[ “Pure Sentiment and Strained Reasoning: An Exploration of Neo-Confucian Liu Jishan’s Moral Psychology”.]


[“The Sleeping Heart/Mind and its Automatic Operation: Zhu Xi on the Moral Psychology of Evil.” In Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 60: 1-48.]


[“Weakness of Will and Wang Yangming’s Theory of the Unity of Knowledge and Action.” In Legein Semi-Annual Journal: Studies in Chinese Philosophy and Western Thought 67: 1-45.]

2021 〈明清惡論探析:王陽明「習」的概念起源與發展〉,《中國哲學與文化》,第19輯,頁21-53

[ “A Study of the Theory of Evil in the Ming and Qing: The Origin and development of the Wang Yangming’s Concept of xi (habitus).” In The Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture 19: x.]


[“A Winding Way to Transform People’s Dispositions: Wang Yangming on the Way of rectifying others.” In Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 56: 39-69.]


[“Revisiting Zhu Xi’s Theory of the Probing Principle (qionglizhixue): Some Responses and Questions from the Perspective of Wang Yangming’s School of Heart/Mind.” In Legein Monthly 540:52-58]

2018 戴卡琳著,與傅揚、王曉薇合譯:〈心齋坐忘:中國哲學研究的方法論反思〉,《中國哲學與文化》,第16輯,頁1-19

[ Authored by Carine Defoort, Co-translated with Yang Fu, Xiao-wei Wang. “Fasting the Mind, Sitting in Oblivion: Methodological Reflection on the Study of Chinese Philosophy” In The Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture 16:1-19.]

2017 〈知見空言:羅念菴論「學者」之過〉,《漢學研究》,第34卷第4期,頁99-130

[ “Acquiring Mere Knowledge and Empty Moralizing: Luo Nianan on the Faults of Confucian Practitioners.” In Chinese Studies 34.4:99-130.]


[“The Theory of Evil in Confucian and Mencian Thought” In Confucian Culture Studies, 9:407-425.]

2016〈一念陷溺:唐君毅與陽明學者「惡」的理論研究〉,《中國文哲研究集刊》,第47  期,頁97-136

[ “The Trapped Mind: A Study of Tang Junyi and Yangming Scholars’ Theory of Evil.” In Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 47: 91-136.]


[ “A Contemporary Dialogue Between School of Xin and School of Li: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP).” In The Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture 13:143-149.]


[ “The Interconnectedness between Wang Yangming and Liu Jishan’s Theory of Evil: With a Discussion on the Theoretical Implication of ‘Unified theory’.” In National Chengchi University Philosophical Journal 33: 149-192.]


[ “Defending Against the Refutation of Guo Xiang’s Philosophy.” In Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 44.3: 351-384.]


[“Comparing Yang Jian’s Enlightening Experience and Mysticism.” In Soochow Journal of Philosophical Studies27: 73-104.]


會議論文 Conference Paper

“Liu Jishan and Moral Sentimentalism 劉蕺山與道德情感主義”, The 22nd International Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP): Chinese Philosophy from the Perspective of World Philosophy (East China Normal University, Shanghai), June 2022.

“Revisiting Liu Zongzhou’s Theory of Evil: A Perspective from Moral Psychology 劉蕺山惡論重探——一個道德心理學的視角”, Dark and Light: International Conference of Song-Ming-Qing Confucianism (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), September 2021.

“The Sleeping Heart/Mind and its Automatic Operation: Zhu Xi on the Moral Psychology of Evil 「心臥則夢,偷則自行」:朱子論「惡」的道德心理學”, 11th Contemporary New Confucianism International Conference (National Central University and Tunghai University, Taiwan), December 2020.

“A Winding Way to Transform People’s Dispositions: Wang Yangming on the Way of rectifying others 曲當人情:王陽明論他人之惡”, Judgement, Motivation and Action: International Conference on Neo-Confucianism (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan), September 2020.

“A Preliminary Study on the Ming-Qing Theory of Evil 明清惡論初探”, Workshop on Wang Yangming’s Philosophy (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), January 2020.

“Habit as Second Nature: Qing Confucianists on the Theoretical Relationship between Evil and Knowledge習與性成:清代儒學論「知識」與「過惡」的理論關係”, ISCP 2019 – 21st International Conference on Chinese Philosophy (University of Bern, Switzerland), July 2019.

“A Comparative Study of Evil: From Confucianism to Daoism and Buddhism”, 2nd Conference on the Crossvergence between Philosophy East and West (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), December 2018.

“The Ming-Qing Transition of the Theory of Evil 明清之際「惡」的理論發展”, “Self-Planting of Spiritual Roots” and After: International Conference Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Death of Tang Junyi (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), December 2018.

“Tang Junyi on the Problem of Evil in Wang Chuanshan’s Philosophy 唐君毅論王船山哲學中「惡」的問題”,Conference on Tang Junyi’s Philosophy: Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Death of Tang Junyi (National Central University, Taiwan), April 2018.

“The Ming-Qing Transition of the Theory of Evil 明清之際「惡」的理論發展”, 1st Conference on the Crossvergence between Philosophy East and West (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), December 2017.

“Wang Yangming on Evildoers 曲當人情:王陽明論對待惡人之道”, 4th Conference on the Classification and Development of Song-Ming-Qing Confucianism (National Central University and Academia Sinica, Taiwan), October 2017.

“Wang Chuanshan on the Origin of Evil: With reference to the Interpretation by Tang Jun-yi 王船山論「惡」之起源:以唐君毅的詮釋為中心”, 10th Contemporary New Confucianism International Conference (Guizhou University, China), October 2017.

“A comparative Study on Moral Evil in the Three Teachings”, 20th International Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP) (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) July 2017.

“Yangming Scholars on the Origin of Evil 陽明學者論「惡」的來源”, Yangming’s School of Philosophy and Zhejiang Culture Academic Forum (Zhejiang Gongshang University, China), January 2017.

“Wang Yangming on Evildoers 王陽明論他人之惡”, 2016 Taiwan Philosophical Association Annual Conference: Tradition, Interpretation and Innovation (Tunghai University, Taiwan), November 2016.

“Knowledge without Practice and Empty Words: Luo Nian-an on Confucian Practitioners’ Faults during Self-Cultivation知見空言:羅念菴論修道者之過”, “The Historical Narrative and Contemporary Reconstruction of Confucianism” International Conference (Shenzhen University, China), November 2015.

“The Trapped Present Mind: A Study of Tang Junyi and Yangming Scholars’ Concept of Evil 一念陷溺:唐君毅與陽明學者的過惡觀念研究”, Contemporary New Confucianism and Western Philosophy: 10th Contemporary New Confucianism International Conference (National Central University, Taiwan), October 2015.

“Human Nature, Good and Evil Revisited: Tang Junyi and Neo-Confucians’ Elaboration on Mencian Theory of Human Nature 人性善惡新辨:唐君毅與宋明儒者對「性善說」的理論發揮”, 19th International Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP): Chinese Philosophy in the Contemporary World (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), July 2015.

“On Theories of Evil in Confucianism”, 2014 Northeast Conference on Chinese Thought (Central Connecticut State University, CT, USA), November 2014.

“On the Origin of Evil: From the Wang Yangming’s Concept of ‘Will’ to Liu Jishan’s Concept of ‘Illusion’「惡」的來源:從陽明之「意」到蕺山之「妄」”, 8th Interschool Postgraduate Student Conference (Chinese Culture University, Taiwan), May 2014.

“On the Interconnectedness of Wang Yangming’s and Liu Jishan’s Theory of Evil 陽明與蕺山過惡思想的理論關聯:兼論「一滾說」的理論意涵” , The Development and Foresight of Confucianism: 10th Contemporary New Confucianism International Conference (Shenzhen University, China), November 2013.

“The Fall of Will: Wang Yangming on the Origin of Evil 意的墮落:王陽明論惡的起源”, 2nd Contemporary Confucianism International Conference: The Globalization and Localization of Confucianism (National Central University, Taiwan), September 2013.

“Comparing Mencian concept of Reflection (Si) and Introspection”, Society of Asian and Comparative Philosophy (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, USA), October 2012.

“Why Should one Doing Business Ethically? On the Foundation of Connecting Confucianism and Business 「從事商業,哪有倫理?」:試論「儒」「商」結合的理論基礎”, 1st Contemporary Confucianism International Conference: Confucianism in an international perspective (National Central University, Taiwan), September 2012.

“On Liu Jishan’s teaching of cheng yi shen du 論劉蕺山誠意慎獨教的工夫意涵”, 2012 Postgraduate Student Conference on Ming-Qing Studies (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), July 2012.

“Comparing Yang Jian’s Enlightening Experience and Mysticism楊簡的覺悟經驗與神秘主義”, Contemporary New Confucianism and Western Philosophy: 9th Contemporary New Confucianism International Conference (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), December 2011.

“Comparing Weakness of Will and Wang Yangming’s Thought of the Unity of Knowledge and Action「意志軟弱」問題與王陽明「知行合一」觀念的回應”, Contemporary Reflection on Epistemological Issues in Traditional Chinese Philosophy: International Academic Conference and Graduate Student Symposium (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), September 2010.

“On the Contribution of Traditional Confucian Thought Towards Moral Education論傳統儒家思想對現今道德教育的啟示”, Tradition and Modernity: Philosophy Conference for Young Chinese Scholar (Beijing University, China), September 2010.


專書 Books


[On Evil: Thinking Through the Wang Yangming School of Late Ming Neo-Confucianism. Taipei: NTU Press.] (Double-Blind Peer Reviewed) (Award Winning)


研究計畫 Projects

2022-2023  Fulbright Senior Research Grant 資深學者傅爾布萊特研究獎助金

2022-2023  Harvard-Yenching Institute Visiting Scholars Program 哈佛燕京學社獎助計畫

2019-2024  MOST Young Scholar Fellowship: Einstein Program  科技部年輕學者養成計畫:愛因斯坦培植計畫

2020-2021  Teaching Practice Advancement Program 教學實踐精進計畫

2020    Distinguished Scholarly Book Award 臺大傑出學術專書

2019-2020   Highest Distinction in Service Education 服務學習績優教師:特優獎

2017-2020    Special Outstanding Talent Award 科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才

2014-2015    Fulbright-RGC Hong Kong Research Scholar Award Program  富布萊特-研資局香港研究學者獎

2015   Asia Library Travel Grant