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魏家豪 專任副教授

電話::02-33663887 Room506
研究專長:道家哲學 先秦語言思想 先秦西漢哲學
  • 期刊論文
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  • 其他
本學期開設課程 曾開設課程
年度 論文名稱
98 De Reu, Wim. 2009.02. “Right Words Seem Wrong: Neglected Paradoxes in Early Chinese Philosophical Texts.” International Conference on Korean and Chinese Confucianism and Culture with New Perspectives and New Materials (韓國與中國儒教思想國際學術會議:新資料與新觀點). Sung Kyun Kuan University (Seoul). February 9.
99 De Reu, Wim,2010.03, “Paradoxical Language on Language: A Study in Early Chinese Metalanguage.” International Workshop on the Research of Chinese Philosophy in Japan and Taiwan: With Critical Retrospections and Future Prospects. 「日本和台灣的中國哲學研究之回顧與前景」國際學術研討會. Harvard University, Harvard-Yenching Institute. March 20-21, 2010.
99 De Reu, Wim,2010.08-09, “Carving and Uncarving Wood: Original State, Creation and Self-cultivation in the Zhuangzi.” International Conference on Metaphor, Structure and Meaning in Early Chinese Philosophy「早期中國哲學之隱喻、結構與意義」國際研討會. National Taiwan University, Department of Philosophy, August 30-September 1, 2010.
98 De Reu, Wim. 2009.09. “A Ragbag of Odds and Ends? Zhuangzi 26 as Philosophical Collage Writing.” Literary Forms of Argument in Pre-Modern China. Co-organizer. The Queen’s College, Oxford University. September 16-18.
98 De Reu, Wim. 2009.02. “Mapping and Language in the Laozi.” International Conference on Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism under the Perspective of Research of East-Asian Philosophy (東洋哲學視野之儒、道、佛三家哲學研究). Yonsei University (Seoul). February 11.
95 魏家豪,2006.11,“Chuang-tzu in Terms of Relativism or Not: An Exercise in Comparing Frameworks” 「相對主義與《莊子》─ 思想框架之比較」,「東、西方哲學概念互動」國際學術研討會。臺北:臺灣大學哲學系。
98 De Reu, Wim. 2009.02. “Artisan Tools and Language in Warring States Philosophy.” International Conference on Refocusing East-Asian Traditional Thought (東亞傳統思想之再照明). Seoul University. February 7.
97 De Reu, Wim. 2007.12. “Explaining the Laozi in Terms of Cross-Domain Mapping.”「道家經典的詮釋──我注六經還是六經注我」國際學術會議。Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Philosophy/Research Centre for Chinese Philosophy and Culture. December 19-21, 2007。
96 魏家豪,2007.10,“Cross-Domain Mapping and Merging in the Laozi: Language Views as Illustration ”,「傳統中國哲學論辯之當代詮釋」國際學術研討會。臺北:臺灣大學哲學系。
92 De Reu, Wim. 2003.09. “Right Words seem to be Wrong: A Semantic Interpretation of Some Paradoxical Expressions in Warring States and Early Han Texts.” 17th Warring States Working Group Conference. Leiden University. September 17-18.
91 De Reu, Wim. 2002.08. “Linguistic Paradoxes in Early Chinese Thought.” 14th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS). Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences, August 26-28. (Awarded with: Prize of excellence for papers presented by young scholars).
95 魏家豪,2006.08,”Right Words Seem wrong: Neglected Paradoxes in Early Chinese Philosophical Texts”,「2006道文化國際學術研討會」。臺北:中國文化大學。
95 De Reu, Wim. 2006.08. “Potter’s Wheels and Related Artisan Tool Metaphors in Early Chinese Thought.” 16th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS). Ljubljana (Slovenia).
國家 學校名稱 學位 系所 期間
比利時 魯汶大學漢學博士
類別 年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位

學經歷 Education and Experiences



研究領域 Research Interests





論文期刊 Journal Articles

De Reu, Wim. 2012. “A Ragbag of Odds and Ends? Zhuangzi 26 as Philosophical Collage Writing.” In Literary Forms of Argument in Ancient China, ed. by Dirk Meyer and Joachim Gentz. Seattle: University of Washington Press. [Forthcoming]

De Reu, Wim. 2010.”How to Throw a Pot: The Centrality of the Potter’s Wheel in the Zhuangzi.” Asian Philosophy 20:1, pp. 32-66.

De Reu, Wim. 2006. “Right Words Seem Wrong: Neglected Paradoxes in Early Chinese Philosophical Texts.” Philosophy East and West 56:2, pp. 281-300.

De Reu, Wim. 2003. “Kritiek op iedereen.” (Criticizing Everyone). Hemel en aarde verenigen zich door rituelen: Bloemlezing uit het werk van de Chinese filosoof Xunzi. edited by Defoort Carine and Nicolas Standaert. Kapellen: Pelckmans and Kampen: Klement. pp. 23-35. (Introduction to and translation of Xunzi ch. 6, in Dutch).

De Reu, Wim. 2002-2003 (Winter). “Guest-editor’s Introduction.” Doubting of the Doubting of Antiquity, guest-edited by De Reu Wim. Contemporary Chinese Thought 34:2, 3-10.

De Reu, Wim. 1999 (Fall). Review of Wang Bo, “Laozi sixiang de shiguan tese”〈老子思想的史官特色) [The Characteristics of a Court Historian in Laozi’s Thought]. China Review International 6:2, 546-549.


會議論文 Conference Paper

De Reu, Wim. 2002.08. “Linguistic Paradoxes in Early Chinese Thought.” 14th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS). Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences, August 26-28. (Awarded with: Prize of excellence for papers presented by young scholars).

De Reu, Wim. 2003.09. “Right Words seem to be Wrong: A Semantic Interpretation of Some Paradoxical Expressions in Warring States and Early Han Texts.” 17th Warring States Working Group Conference. Leiden University. September 17-18.

魏家豪,2006.08”Right Words Seem wrong: Neglected Paradoxes in Early Chinese Philosophical Texts”,「2006道文化國際學術研討會」。臺北:中國文化大學。

De Reu, Wim. 2006.08. “Potter’s Wheels and Related Artisan Tool Metaphors in Early Chinese Thought.” 16th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS). Ljubljana (Slovenia).

魏家豪,2006.11“Chuang-tzu in Terms of Relativism or Not: An Exercise in Comparing Frameworks” 「相對主義與《莊子》思想框架之比較」,「東、西方哲學概念互動」國際學術研討會。臺北:臺灣大學哲學系。

魏家豪,2007.10“Cross-Domain Mapping and Merging in the Laozi: Language Views as Illustration ”,「傳統中國哲學論辯之當代詮釋」國際學術研討會。臺北:臺灣大學哲學系。

De Reu, Wim. 2007.12. “Explaining the Laozi in Terms of Cross-Domain Mapping.”「道家經典的詮釋──我注六經還是六經注我」國際學術會議。Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Philosophy/Research Centre for Chinese Philosophy and Culture. December 19-21, 2007

De Reu, Wim. 2009.02. “Artisan Tools and Language in Warring States Philosophy.” International Conference on Refocusing East-Asian Traditional Thought (東亞傳統思想之再照明). Seoul University. February 7.

De Reu, Wim. 2009.02. “Right Words Seem Wrong: Neglected Paradoxes in Early Chinese Philosophical Texts.” International Conference on Korean and Chinese Confucianism and Culture with New Perspectives and New Materials (韓國與中國儒教思想國際學術會議:新資料與新觀點). Sung Kyun Kuan University (Seoul). February 9.

De Reu, Wim. 2009.02. “Mapping and Language in the Laozi.” International Conference on Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism under the Perspective of Research of East-Asian Philosophy (東洋哲學視野之儒、道、佛三家哲學研究). Yonsei University (Seoul). February 11.

De Reu, Wim. 2009.09. “A Ragbag of Odds and Ends? Zhuangzi 26 as Philosophical Collage Writing.” Literary Forms of Argument in Pre-Modern China. Co-organizer. The Queen’s College, Oxford University. September 16-18.

De Reu, Wim,2010.08-09, “Carving and Uncarving Wood: Original State, Creation and Self-cultivation in the Zhuangzi.” International Conference on Metaphor, Structure and Meaning in Early Chinese Philosophy「早期中國哲學之隱喻、結構與意義」國際研討會. National Taiwan University, Department of Philosophy, August 30-September 1, 2010.

De Reu, Wim,2010.03, “Paradoxical Language on Language: A Study in Early Chinese Metalanguage.” International Workshop on the Research of Chinese Philosophy in Japan and Taiwan: With Critical Retrospections and Future Prospects. 「日本和台灣的中國哲學研究之回顧與前景」國際學術研討會. Harvard University, Harvard-Yenching Institute. March 20-21, 2010.


專書 Books

De Reu, Wim. 1996. De Relatie tussen keuze en kracht in de Analecten [The Relation between Choice and Power in the Analects]. MA thesis. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

De Reu, Wim. 2000.《莊子的語言思想析探》(臺灣大學哲學系碩士論文).

De Reu, Wim. 2002-2003 (Winter). “Doubting of the Doubting of Antiquity.” Guest-editor. Monograph issue of Contemporary Chinese Thought 34:2. New York: M.E. Sharpe.

De Reu, Wim. 2004. Right Words Seem Wrong: Neglected Paradoxes in Early Chinese Writings. Doctoral dissertation. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.


研究計畫 Projects

Wim De Reu2011,《莊子》外雜篇之意義書寫:論證形式及其哲學義蘊,NSC100-2628-H-002-135-MY3100/08/01-103/07/31

Wim De Reu & Dirk Meyer (University of Oxford, Institute for Chinese Studies)2010,書寫哲學:《莊子》中的隱喻、結構與意義建構,執行起訖:2010.12.01 ~ 2011.11.30(計畫編號:99-2911-I-002-128),99年度行政院國家科學委員會「台灣與英國頂尖大學前期合作研究計畫」(2010 Initiative Research Cooperation among Top Universities between UK and Taiwan)

Wim De Reu2009,《莊子》中的論證方式與意義建構,執行起訖:2009.08.01 ~ 2010.07.31(計畫編號:98-2410-H-002-148),國科會專題研究計畫

Wim De Reu2008,工藝隱喻及其在古代中國的哲學角色 (約西元前500 -100 ) ,執行起訖:2008.08.01 ~ 2009.07.31(計畫編號:97-2410-H-002-187),國科會專題研究計畫

Wim De Reu2006,中國古代哲學的工具之比喻:以圓規、曲尺與陶均等為例(約西元前500-100年),執行起訖:2006.08.01 ~ 2008.07.31(計畫編號:95-2411-H-002-034),國科會專題研究計畫